Cosmetic Laser Clinic

V2 Beauty Boost

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What is the V2 Beauty Boost?

The beauty booster is a device that delivers injectable skincare.

Hyaluronic acid performs a fundamental role in keeping our skin in good health. It is an essential element in the dermis and is responsible for our skin’s hydration.

As we age our hyaluronic acid pool diminishes. At about 35 years old our skins thickness with have decreased on average by 22%. When our skin gets thinner it becomes more fragile, more dehydrated and the elasticity diminishes.

With the V2 beauty booster a patented formulation of anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins, hyaluronic acid and amino acids are injected to help replenish the skin.

The result is a plumper, firmer, more hydrated, and radiant appearance. The treatment gives immediate results which has long-lasting benefits by promoting collagen growth within the skin.

The beauty booster treatment can be used on the face, neck and hands.