Cosmetic Laser Clinic



What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a treatment that involves injecting a solution into unwanted varicose or spider veins.  A chemical foam solution is injected into the unwanted veins which causes them to immediately shrink, and then dissolve over a period of weeks as the body naturally absorbs the treated veins.  It is a non-invasive procedure taking only a short time to perform.

The downtime is minimal in comparison to invasive varicose vein surgery.The patient's leg is then compressed with stockings which you will need to wear, usually for up to two weeks, after your treatment.  Patients are also encouraged to walk regularly during that time.  It is common practice for the patient to require at least two treatment sessions several weeks apart to significantly improve the appearance of their leg veins. 

An individual assessment is required to determine a specific treatment plan.After treatment your legs will initially look worse because of bruising and associated blood entrapment. The improvement in unwanted veins will be gradual, with some vessels taking up to 2 months to show results.Don't put up with unsightly varicose and spider veins an longer.